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Drive Fuze officially become award-winning

May 22, 2023

Drive Fuze officially become award-winning

Last week we were thrilled be awarded Rebel StartUp of the Year at the Midland round of the StartUp Awards. We were also a finalist in the Online Retail StartUp category too. The Rebel StartUp award recognises the best new businesses who are disrupting the nation with their innovation.

The StartUp Awards were established in 2022 to highlight the success of startups across nine UK nations and regions, and to celebrate the achievements of entrepreneurs in all sectors of the economy.

The Midlands final was held at The Custard Factory in Birmingham and saw 30 different awards given out to new businesses in categories such as Innovative StartUp of the Year, Medtech & Healthtech StartUp of the Year and Social Enterprise StartUp of the Year.

Helen Bierton, Chief Banking Officer at Starling Bank says:

“Congratulations to all our entrepreneurs in the Midlands who have been shortlisted this year. It’s been so inspiring to learn about the challenges overcome to build their successful businesses. From green startups providing carbon negative mobile green grocery delivery services,to a medtech creating a game-changing bionic arm that will change the perception of prosthetics, it’s great to celebrate such innovation from my home region.”

Professor Dylan Jones-Evans OBE, creator of the awards, said the events have celebrated the best new firms in the UK and recognised the amazing entrepreneurial talent across the nation. He said:

“In the second year of the Midlands Startup Awards, we have seen yet again the incredible contribution of new businesses to job creation, innovation, and prosperity across the whole of this entrepreneurial nation. It’s been an honour and a pleasure to read the stories of those individuals from across the Midlands who have spotted the opportunity and taken the risk to launch their own venture,especially at a time when the economy is still fragile after the Covid pandemic.

Congratulations to all the finalists and winners – see them all here.