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What do our subscribers say?

June 28, 2024

Meet Drive Fuze subscriber Graham

Since launching our all-inclusive car subscription in early 2023, we’ve helped over a thousand people get behind the wheel of a new or nearly new car, including Graham.

Read on to hear what Graham thinks of Drive Fuze and the overall concept of car subscription.

How did you hear about Drive Fuze?

Last year, our trusty Jaguar had reached over 120,000 miles and was 10 years old. We have family in Germany and France, so we do a lot of mileage driving over to visit them, and I didn’t want to risk those long journeys in an old car. I thought we’d try renting for a little bit while I looked into a longer-term solution. We needed something for a few months at least – so I started Googling, and after a short search I discovered Drive Fuze. I’d never heard of car subscriptions, but the flexibility of a monthly subscription caught my attention straight away.

Which car do you drive through your car subscription with Drive Fuze?

I drive a Nissan Qashqai from Drive Fuze, for two reasons. First, we have a place in Spain and while we were visiting recently, we rented a Qashqai. My wife has slight back problems, and it was noticeably easier for her to get in and out of the car without it hurting because of the way that the seats are set up. Second, my wife likes the colour blue. When we saw that Drive Fuze was offering a blue Qashqai to be delivered the next day, it was a no-brainer!

What are the benefits of your Drive Fuze all-inclusive car subscription?

The driving force behind my decision was the flexibility, but it was only once I got the car that I understood the sheer ease and weight off your shoulders once you’ve signed up to an all-inclusive subscription. With my old car, a new set of tyres set us back nearly a thousand pounds, and it’s such a relief now that’s no longer something I need to worry about. Whether it’s expenses or maintenance issues, it’s Drive Fuze’s problem, and that’s a huge weight off my mind.  

Would you recommend car subscriptions to others? If so, why? Will you continue to use us in the future?

I would absolutely recommend car subscriptions to others; in fact, I already have done. When friends have noticed my new car, they’ve been surprised to hear that it was through a subscription – I’m yet to come across anybody that already knows about it. I’ve always owned a car, but now that I’ve discovered car subscriptions, I’ll never buy again. Budgeting is so much easier, and the cost works out similar over time, but the convenience is what really adds value.

I’ll never buy again, Drive Fuze subscriber Graham

We have a place in Spain, so we might return the car to Drive Fuze for a few months if we decide to fly over, but we’ll be straight on the phone to Drive Fuze before we return to the UK, so that we have a new car lined up for our return. And if we drive to Spain, I’ll explore my options in terms of taking the car – I know it’s something Drive Fuze customers can do.

What has the car helped you to do?

We had planned to visit France back in November, but in the end, we had to stay in Devon and needed to keep the car a little longer. With a car on subscription, we can keep it for as long as we like, then return the car when we do decide to go away because there’s no point in having a car idle on the drive. It gives us total flexibility and freedom to travel when the time is right.

How have you found your experience of the Drive Fuze process and customer service?

The whole experience has been seamless. A nice gentleman drove the car to my house the next day, and when I’ve finished with it, they’ll pick it up from my house. It’s that easy!

If you are ready to join the all-inclusive car subscription revolution, browse the cars we have available right now and you could be behind the wheel in as little as seven days!